1. 「102學年度大學指定科目考試」成績單今天(18)寄發,並在網站公告指考各科成績人數百分比累計表,及各科「頂標」、「前標」、「均標」、「後標」、「底標」等五標;考生從上午9點起可利用網路或電話語音查詢成績;如果考生在7月22號還沒收到成績單,7月25號前可以透過語音電話(02-23643677)查詢。 The report card for the 2013 university entrance is sent to each respective test taker today. Meanwhile, the accumulative percentile of test takers taking each subject is announced on-line. Furthermore, five indicators for each subject are announced. From 9:00 a.m., test takers can learn about their test result via the internet or the recorded telephone system. If test takers do not receive their report card on 22 July, they can investigate this issue via the recorded telephone system by dialing 02-23643677. 2. 因應十二年國教,教育部推動「活化教學分組合作學習」計畫,目前全國有133所國中推動分組教學,教育部希望未來能擴大,在102學年度下學期全國936所國中,每校至少有一個學習領域,實施分組合作學習。 Due to the 12-year compulsory education system, the Ministry of Education has promoted the plan which activates the learning via groups and cooperation. At present, 133 junior high schools in Taiwan have promoted such peer learning system. The Ministry of Education hopes that in the future, the scope will be bigger. It is estimated that by the second semester of 2013 school year, in all the 936 high schools over here in Taiwan, there will be at least one course or field which adapts the group learning project. 3. 由臺灣大學教授黃鵬林及鄭謙仁所領導的研發團隊,以香蕉作為口服疫苗,防治豬隻感染及醫治豬隻「藍耳病」,成為全球首例,研究成果登載於國際傑出期刊,甚至更榮登雜誌封面!這項口服疫苗兼具可大量生產、價格便宜、方便餵食等優點,預估3到5年內可以上市。 The research team led by Prof. Huang, Pon-lin and Zheng, Qian-ren from National Taiwan University has utilized bananas as the oral vaccine, preventing the pigs from contracting and curing the pigs which suffer from the blue-ear pig disease (also known as “porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus”). This unprecedented finding is published by the well-known Plant Biotechnology Journal and was also on the journal’s cover image. This oral vaccine has synthesized outstanding characteristics such as mass production, cheap price, easy to feed etc. It is estimated that between 3 to 5 years, the oral vaccine will be available in the market. 4. 台灣競爭力論壇公布「2013台灣幸福大調查」結果,金門縣蟬聯幸福城市冠軍,施政滿意度最高的首長是台南市長賴清德。台灣幸福城市前5名分別是金門縣、連江縣、新竹縣、花蓮縣以及苗栗縣。競爭力論壇理事長彭錦鵬分析,離島、偏鄉及客家族群容易知足,因此容易感到幸福。 Result of the Happiness Survey in 2013 is announced by the Taiwan Competitiveness Forum. It shows that Kinmen county has again won the championship as being the happiest city, while Mayor Lai, Chin-de in Tainan City is viewed as the best regional leader. The five happiest cities are Kinmen county, Lienchiang county, Hsihchu county, Hualien county and Maolin county. Pon, chi-pon, the chairman of Taiwan Competitiveness Forum analyzes that those who live on the island, remote areas and/or belong to Hakka tribe tend to be satisfied easily, which is why they tend to feel happier. 5. 根據美國杜克大學研究人員發表的最新研究報告顯示,和國際學生互動越多的美國學生,不只可以認識更多元的文化,畢業後還可以發展出對自己有所幫助的技能。在杜克大學擔任主任並兼任研究員的詹米森惴克發現,積極與來自其他國家同學往來的學生,在各方面的技巧發展都顯著的比較好。 The latest research result released by the Duke University shows that American students who have more interactions with the international students can acquaint themselves with more multi-cultures. After they graduate, they can develop skills which will be helpful for themselves. David Jamieson-Drake, a chairperson and researcher working at Duke University has found that local students from the US who actively interact with students from other nations perform and develop better in various areas and skills. 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 | ||||||||||||||
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